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Where do your classes meet?


Our Monday classes meet at West Cannon Baptist Church.

West Cannon Baptist Church Map

Our Thursday classes (HS Math, Science, Drama) meet at Orchard View Church of God

Orchard View Church of God Map


How much do your classes cost?


Class costs are listed in our class catalog.  Tuition costs are for a full year.

Preschool/Phonics $488-670

KK (ages 6-11) Classes $240

Middle School Classes $272-$368 depending on class

High School Classes $360-$466 depending on class


Are there other costs in addition to tuition?


Koinonia has an annual membership fee of $60.  If membership is requested after May 31, the membership fee will be $80.  Members pay a $100 Volunteer Fee, but can earn credit back towards tuition by volunteering.  Some classes require specific materials or books.  Our class catalog contains any required materials.


Do you offer a meal program?


Koinonia offers hot lunch on the first and third Mondays of the month.  We offer pizza hot lunch from Flo's Pizza.  On the other weeks of school, students bring sack lunches.


Do you offer other activities outside of classes?


Koinonia has held Back to School Celebrations, Spring Showcases, Fieldtrips, Spring Formals, and Graduation Ceremonies.  Middle School and High School Government Groups help plan activities for students such as Fall Fling, Bowling, Caroling, Fundraiser, Bake Sale, Ice Skating, Roller Skating, Trampoline Park Jumping Party, and Movie Night.